I had a difficult time gathering historical and factual information about this band, there is an air of mystery surrounding them almost to the point that only those who were there and experienced them will know anything about them. My theory is they were so far ahead of the curve musically and so removed from anything commercial in the music industry they became a unique and local experience. This compounded with the eventual decision to no longer perform live and to only concentrate on writing, composing, and recording their music made them a very contained musical event to the Greenville, SC area indeed. In listening to their body of work it is obvious this band was very progressive for both their time and for the location from which they came from. For these reasons alone it is important that they are represented here as a marker for both musical adventure and musical integrity.
In the late 60’s and early 70’s Greenville, SC based band Bosco Bee was the band to watch, a prog-rock, classic-rock, improvisational/jazz outfit that was all of those things before the world knew of such things. The guitar and bass heavy songs were melodic with sly timing shifts recalling the likes of Cream, Yes, Pink Floyd and the Moody Blues with a little Jimi Hendrix thrown in for good measure. They also could catch you off-guard with a spacey infusion of southern-rock complete with dual guitar riffs and bluesy lyrics. For Upstate fans, music-history archivists and live-music aficionados, the “Bee’s” were a must-see in their day. Simply put and in the bands own words they were – “A group of guys who would not compromise”.
Original members:
Terry Green – Drums
Sam Reynolds - Keyboard
David Williams – Guitar
Kevin Sneary - Bass
Past members:
Ashley Davis - Guitar
John Stertz
CM Fowler